All height safety and access systems are required, by Australian law, to be tested and certified to be deemed safe on an annual basis. Summit Access Solutions (SAS) is qualified to carry out this industry standard testing and has extensive experience and knowledge in this area. Each certification is supplied with a certificate of currency and a report on systems viability whilst each anchor point and system component is individually tested and tagged.
Once a year your height safety system should be certified according to Australian law. We provide yearly reminders around 30 days in advance of the time lapse and act swiftly and efficiently when certification is required.
SAS will provide competitive quotes on any part of a height safety system that fails testing, or for any system that requires upgrading to meet current Australian Standards. Systems will be made compliant and safe to specific manufacturers standards.
It is quite common in this industry for anchor points and height safety systems to need auditing over time. This investigation is carried out by SAS where clients are either unsure of the effectiveness of their system, or whether it is adequate for the purposes intended.
As standards within the industry change, there can be minor updates that need to be adjusted to a system to keep it compliant.
SAS prides itself in being up front and giving options that are non-obligational and offer complete coverage whilst being affordable and user-friendly.
Warwick Brown